Celebrate My New Workbook!
I’m have an April birthday! Come celebrate the release of my new workbook on April 30, 2024!
Use Envy for Something Good
Why waste your precious energy on such a small-minded emotion when inside your truth lives a magnificent, beautiful, wondering painting… just waiting for your vision, devotion, and love!
Energy vampires. How to save yourself
Energy vampires are people who prey on your kindness and literally suck your energy dry. What to do when you encounter someone who sucks your good energy dry!
Are you stuck in the YES TRAP?
Whether you learn to say "NO" more often or just learn to say "YES" in a way that honors your integrity, it's time to release yourself from the burden of pleasing others.
Try This Mantra for the Holidays
As we approach the Winter Solstice, I’ve adopted this mantra: "Release to make room,” to create space for delicious possibilities and the magic of unexpected outcomes.
Ever been ghosted?
Life is too short to give your power away to circumstances that are clearly out of your control - like other people’s issues that (most likely) have NOTHING to do with YOU.
What to do with negative feedback
How to navigate feedback, and even criticism strategically, resourcefully and gracefully!
Saying YES when you mean NO
When core value boundaries are threatened, so are the borders of your energetic boundaries… and more importantly, your precious internal energy reserves. This is why saying a reluctant “Yes,” when you really mean “HELL NO!” takes such an emotional toll.
Do you really understand the WHY behind your CORE VALUES?
Core values are like lighthouses: They’re the signals that give you direction, meaning and purpose. Learn how to navigate what’s important to you… and what isn’t.
Meet Sister Mary Francis… the people pleaser
Sister Mary Francis is not a part of me… yet her reminders keep we saying “yes” when I should be saying “HELL NO”! Some mindset shift next time you are tempted to people please!
Meet my Crabby Roommate (You have one, too!)
Learning to notice the voice of the inner critic is one of the first powerful tools I teach to clients who want to resourcefully take back their power.