Meet my Crabby Roommate (You have one, too!)

I call her my “Crabby Roommate,” because she’s a 20-something college co-ed who doubts my intelligence and is certain I’m not prepared for whatever I’m undertaking.

She screams loudest when I have new opportunities and step out of my comfort zone. Her cynical energy douses my mindset with anxiety, which has me spinning stories that simply aren’t true.

She’s not real, of course! Her irrational voice is only in my head… but if I’m not careful, her negative self-talk gets in the way of my ability to access my wisdom and inner-resourcefulness.

I bet that you have an inner critic who questions your thinking and acts as a self-limiting force to keep you from accessing the best parts of yourself, too.

The voice of the inner critic is an expression of the safety instinct that resides within all of us.

Even people who appear confident and self-assured battle with this voice of doubt, because we’re all hardwired the same way: To keep ourselves safe from potential risk, conflicts, failure, and embarrassment.

Learning to notice the voice of the inner critic is one of the first powerful tools I teach to clients who want to resourcefully take back their power.

(It’s part of the NAMING step in my book Name, Claim & Reframe.)

Together we make a game plan for noticing when and how the inner critic shows up and develop strategies and mindsets to help send it away.

Much like my Crabby Roommate, your inner critic is probably not working with current information. Their worry usually stems from old childhood fears, perhaps when an authority figure doubted your abilities - or from a past experience when you were still learning.

Because the goal of the inner critic is to keep you safe, it bullies, judges, and criticizes you… BUT I’ve got tools to help!

The first step to combatting the influence of the inner critic is all about understanding how it still shows up in your thinking with old perspectives (that probably no longer fit!) mind, each themed salon invites you to gather and discuss new ideas to expand your thinking about self-power. These LIVE workshop events will help you practice and implement the Name, Claim & Reframe Method - one step at a time!

Remember: Your inner critic speaks loudest when you’re growing, stretching, and moving into new territory that takes you outside your comfort zone.

Just imagine what will be possible in your life when you learn to notice and NAME the inner critic energy that lives within you…

Until next time,


P.S. Whenever you’re ready to take the next steps along YOUR path to a well-lived life, I’ve got a handful of resources to help -

1. What is your leading leadership energy? Every person, regardless of gender identity, possesses both feminine and masculine energies and the capacity to integrate these two sides of their wholeness.

Do you know whether you lean toward masculine OR feminine energy in your leadership roles? Take this 5-minute quiz and find out!

2. Grab my best-selling book: Name, Claim & Reframe. Learn how to align with your divine feminine ingenuity by releasing the age-old belief that the strong need to become warring Warriors. My 3-step strategy will help you gracefully navigate your path to a well-lived life (and this book is a great place to start!)

3. Join me for an upcoming Name, Claim & Reframe Salon. Like a mock-tail party for the mind, each themed salon invites you to gather and discuss new ideas to expand your thinking about self-power. These LIVE workshop events will help you practice and implement the Name, Claim & Reframe Method - one step at a time!

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