Are you stuck in the YES TRAP?

NO is a ‘power’ word. Learning to say a kind-but-clear, “NO, thank you,” gives you a definite sense of self… but it’s also an ideal opportunity to (re)discover your core values and prioritize what’s most important to you.

Until you learn to say "NO," you’ll continue to feel overwhelmed with too much to do and not enough time.

Have you noticed how NOT saying "NO" impacts the quality of time you have with yourself and your family? Have you noticed how saying “YES” when you don’t want to impacts your health and levels of stress?

Whether you learn to say "NO" more often or just learn to say "YES" in a way that honors your integrity, it's time to release yourself from the burden of pleasing others.

Give yourself time and freedom to BE and DO what matters to you! Here’s how:

Understand the "YES" Trap

So why do you say ‘yes!’ when you really mean ‘hell no’?

You might be worried about what other people will think. You might genuinely believe you can do it all! You might have a completely different (and individual) reason.

Regardless, this is the YES TRAP: You’ve agreed to something you don’t want to do.

Saying ‘yes!’ when you’d rather say ‘no!’ can leave you feeling depleted, resentful, and exhausted - because the ‘Yes Trap’ prevents you from living the life YOU want. Sound familiar?

If you’re ready to free yourself from this trap, it starts by simply noticing when you feel pressured to say ‘yes’... and slowly practicing the art of standing in your power with a kind-but-clear ‘no, thank you!’ (or even, ‘hell, no!’)

The essential ingredient to learning how to say ‘no!’ is in clarifying the reasons behind your answer.

Do you understand the WHY behind your Core Value boundaries? (Do you know your Core Values… and their boundaries? Find a list of core values​ HERE​.)

If you can identify WHAT you value and WHY, it’s much easier to create boundaries around your goals (i.e. what you want), your needs (i.e. what resources your internal energy reserves), and your ability to follow through.

Take Action

Using the information above, can you answer these questions for yourself -

  1. Which values really stand out for you (and which do you feel are currently missing in your life)? What important themes would you like to experience more in your life?

  2. What’s something you can say “NO” to right now… so you can say “YES” to what you really value?

Want to explore the people-pleasing ‘YES TRAP’ with me? Join me for my upcoming Salon in March!​ We’ll dig into the reasons why we struggle with negative feedback and criticism (which often sees us saying ‘yes’ when we’d rather say ‘no way!’)

You’ll learn practical tools to help you reframe feedback with curiosity - while maintaining a vision for the future you want to create.

Sign up right here for just $97. It starts March 14 at 2pm EST.

💫 Andrea 

P.S. Whenever you’re ready to take the next steps along YOUR path to a well-lived life, I’ve got a handful of resources to help -

1. What is your leading leadership energy? Every person, regardless of gender identity, possesses both feminine and masculine energies and the capacity to integrate these two sides of their wholeness.

Do you know whether you lean toward masculine OR feminine energy in your leadership roles? Take this 5-minute quiz and find out!

2. Grab my best-selling book: Name, Claim & Reframe. Learn how to align with your divine feminine ingenuity by releasing the age-old belief that the strong need to become warring Warriors. My 3-step strategy will help you gracefully navigate your path to a well-lived life (and this book is a great place to start!)

3. Join me for an upcoming Name, Claim & Reframe Salon. Like a mock-tail party for the mind, each themed salon invites you to gather and discuss new ideas to expand your thinking about self-power. These LIVE workshop events will help you practice and implement the Name, Claim & Reframe Method - one step at a time!

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