Andrea Mein DeWitt Andrea Mein DeWitt

Ever been ghosted?

Life is too short to give your power away to circumstances that are clearly out of your control - like other people’s issues that (most likely) have NOTHING to do with YOU.

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Andrea Mein DeWitt Andrea Mein DeWitt

What to do with negative feedback

When core value boundaries are threatened, so are the borders of your energetic boundaries… and more importantly, your precious internal energy reserves. This is why saying a reluctant “Yes,” when you really mean “HELL NO!” takes such an emotional toll.

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Andrea Mein DeWitt Andrea Mein DeWitt

Saying YES when you mean NO

When core value boundaries are threatened, so are the borders of your energetic boundaries… and more importantly, your precious internal energy reserves. This is why saying a reluctant “Yes,” when you really mean “HELL NO!” takes such an emotional toll.

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Andrea Mein DeWitt Andrea Mein DeWitt

Do you really understand the WHY behind your CORE VALUES?

Core values are like lighthouses: They’re the signals that give you direction, meaning and purpose. Beacons of truth that serve as the personal, intimate, and internal barometers of what’s important to you… and what isn’t.

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Andrea Mein DeWitt Andrea Mein DeWitt

Meet Sister Mary Francis… the people pleaser

Sister MF is not a part of me… yet her reminders are inspired by my people-pleasing mother who was always concerned about whether I was being nice or kind enough to others. Now that I finally understand the motivations of this particular inner critic, it’s easy to stand my ground and do what’s best for me. Spreading kindness and goodwill out into the world is certainly a good idea, but being kind at my own expense is NOT.

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Andrea Mein DeWitt Andrea Mein DeWitt

Meet my Crabby Roommate (You have one, too!)

She’s not real, of course! Her irrational voice is only in my head… but if I’m not careful, her negative self-talk gets in the way of my ability to access my wisdom and inner-resourcefulness. Learning to notice the voice of the inner critic is one of the first powerful tools I teach to clients who want to resourcefully take back their power.

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