Put more SPARKLE into your holiday season!


We all dream that our holidays will run smoothly and efficiently, yet the nature of the season has a way of conjuring both chaos and reactive behavior from us and those around us. 

We're not only pulled in many different directions… we also have extra marks to hit and people who depend on us. We feel such pressure to "carpe diem" that we often don't take time to enter the season with a more strategic perspective.


In National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (a holiday favorite in my house), Clark Groswold tries to plan the perfect family Christmas… and things go terribly awry. 

That is, UNTIL he realizes (after complete chaos and pandemonium set in) that controlling Christmas has done more harm than good.

Chasing the perfect Christmas keeps you from experiencing the true joy, peace, and SPARKLE of the season!

The “magic” of Griswold is that he learns to embrace his limitations and let go of his nostalgia. Can you do the same?

I realize this is easier said than done - especially when everyone around you is tangled up in the emotion of the moment. But management of the inevitable chaos of this time of year is all about creating a strategic mindset.

Try out 6 ways to bring more SPARKLE to your holiday season

1. LET GO of the “Perfect Christmas.”

Cast out unrealistic expectations of what the holidays should be like to make space for what they are (and will be). By keeping your expectations realistic, you won’t be disappointed when this year’s family gathering morphs into a frenzied hurricane that leaves you feeling empty and exhausted.

JOURNAL PROMPT: What expectations will you let go in preparation for the holidays?


2. ADOPT a “Reformed Grinch” mindset. 

When we get caught up in the shopping and the “need” to buy something for everyone, we lose sight of things that matter — our friendships and family relationships, our spirituality, and how we can help people less fortunate than us. Especially during these historical times, I encourage you to model the joy of service by volunteering at a food bank or adopting a family in need this season.

JOURNAL PROMPT: What can you do to help those in need this season?


3. LAY DOWN your sword and shield

In an ideal world, we would never have disagreements or uncomfortable quarrels with the people we care about. In the spirit of “the giving season,” I encourage you to offer up something that’s priceless (your compassion and forgiveness) to those in your life who have wronged you in some way. 

As Lewis B. Smedes wisely said, “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and to discover that the prisoner was you.”

JOURNAL PROMPT: Who needs forgiveness and compassion in your life right now? 


4. GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION to check your guilt at the door. 

Whether it’s the gift you forgot or the obligation you can’t fit into your day, the holidays have a way of conjuring feelings of guilt. Claim the joy and celebration of the season and leave the guilt at home for a change! 

Instead of beating yourself up, simply tell yourself, “Yes, I feel bad about that, but I’m going to let it go and enjoy the present moment.” Letting go gives you freedom to enjoy the here and now!

JOURNAL PROMPT: What guilt-boxes can you pack away for the season?


5. PRACTICE COMPASSION, especially with yourself. 

Take time to check-in with yourself so you can recharge. Sadly, many of us regularly put ourselves last on the “to-do list” and wind up feeling depleted and resentful. Watch your energy supplies and gift yourself with time and attention, so you can refill your own tank! 

Just a few minutes of solitude can do wonders. Alternatively, you might block out a special morning to do something that you love. 

Practicing this level of self-compassion also means forgiving holiday transgressions. Don’t beat yourself up if you eat that delectable dessert or can’t get to the gym for a few days. Enjoy the magic of the season! 

It only happens once a year, so choose to embrace the season. I guarantee, you’ll feel less anxious!

JOURNAL PROMPT: What things will you commit to do to recharge your energy?

6. Don’t be afraid to ASK FOR HELP

It’s easy to get overwhelmed during the holidays… don’t expect other people to read your mind or wait until you’re in panic mode to ask for help. 

Ask for help from your significant other, children, friends, or family. And be direct and honest about how they can help! There’s no greater honor than to lighten someone’s load. 

When you accept help from other people, it’s another way to say, “I love you, and I trust you.”

JOURNAL PROMPT: Who would you LOVE to ask for help this holiday season?

Luckily, the holidays come just once a year! 

Choosing to live intentionally by claiming the tinsel and casting out the coal is the first step to spinning more intentional joy into your holidays! 

Wishing you a holiday season full of SPARKLE!

💫 Andrea

P.S. Whenever you're ready to take the next steps along YOUR path to a well-lived life, I've got a handful of resources to help -

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#2. Buy your copy of my best-selling book: Name, Claim & Reframe. Learn how to align with your divine feminine ingenuity with my 3-step strategy that will help you gracefully navigate your path to a well-lived life.

#3. Order the *new* Name, Claim & Reframe Workbook! Learn how to model resourceful, strategic, and graceful leadership by elevating the energy frequency of the room with the NCR Workbook - including practical tools you can implement right now.

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