I’m not everybody’s cup of tea



One of the hardest lessons I’ve ever had to learn is that not everybody will like me OR what I have to offer… and that’s okay.

Although I like to think of myself as a well-intentioned human being (and I am), I unintentionally rub some people the wrong way. It’s part of the human experience.

Interpersonal communication can be tricky, right? While there may be good intentions on one end (or both), there’s also the impact that depends on how those good intentions are interpreted on the other end. 

There’s a lot of things that happen as messages move from one person to another. (Think about the game of “telephone” you played as a kid!) 

Not everyone we meet will like or appreciate our vibe, energy, and personality… much the way we don’t like every single person’s vibe, energy, and personality.

I’ve finally made peace with the fact that not everyone will like me… and am now FREE TO BE ME! 

How incredible, right? 

When I gave up trying to fit someone else’s idea of being “a cool kid,” I no longer had to hide my real personality OR try to conform to some inauthentic version of me that just felt bad.

I’m not everybody’s cup of tea, and neither are you (and that’s okay!) 

In fact, that’s great… it means we have distinct personalities, original ideas, personal opinions, and our own unique brand of fabulous.


Don’t do anything… The fact of the matter is this: Some people just won’t like what you have to offer the world. And you don’t have to waste time and energy trying to make someone like you!

  • Don’t take it personally… Another person’s opinion isn’t about you at all; it’s completely about them. It’s not your fault they don’t like you! In fact, maybe you trigger something in them that reminds them of something they don’t like about themselves…

  • Try to understand why their disapproval bothers you. What about this person’s rejection can’t you sit with? When you release your need to be liked you open space for someone else who really does value what you bring to the world.

  • Get comfortable in your own skin. If you choose to be a people-pleaser or try to become everyone’s friend, your time and energy get wasted on people who will not reciprocate your love. And that’s not okay! When you’re completely and genuinely YOU, the right people will find you (I promise!) 

  • Curate a posse of support. With less energy and mind-power trying to manipulate the people who dislike you, you can focus on people who do. If you can intentionally curate a core squad, you’ll feel better about yourself, because you’ll feel seen, loved, and appreciated. Think of spending time with a supportive tribe of people as part of your self-care routine.

The best thing you can do to counteract people who don’t return your love is to simply love yourself. 

When you take control of your own intentions by focusing on self-acceptance and the gifts you offer the world, it becomes much easier to ignore people who are not worthy of (or ready for) your Light. 

What do you think? If you struggle with being disliked, I’d love to hear about how you’re grappling with the feeling. (Just “reply” to this email to share your thoughts!) 

Until next time, 

💫 Andrea 

P.S. Whenever you’re ready to take the next steps along YOUR path to a well-lived life, I’ve got a handful of resources to help -

#1 Join me for the Name, Claim & Reframe “Self-Sovereignty” Series this Fall 2024. Get on this waiting list NOW for this LIVE workshop series that will help you practice and implement the Name, Claim & Reframe Method - one step at a time!

#2. Buy your copy of my best-selling book: Name, Claim & Reframe. Learn how to align with your divine feminine ingenuity. My 3-step strategy will help you gracefully navigate your path to a well-lived life.

#3. Order the *new* Name, Claim & Reframe Workbook! Learn how to model resourceful, strategic, and graceful leadership by elevating the energy frequency of the room with the NCR Workbook - including practical tools you can implement right now.

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