How To Hold Fast To Your “Hell No” (especially when you feel the pressure of disappointment)


Ever wonder why you find yourself saying "Yes, of course!" when you really mean "HELL NO"? 

This is the voice of your Inner Critic who’s worried about whether they're liked, if they've disappointed someone, or how they can avoid any kind of conflict. Sound familiar? 

Most of us have a people-pleasing, "do-good" voice that lives inside our heads (which is to say: You’re not the ONLY one with a frightful Inner Critic!)

But what if you could begin to practice the art of gracefully taking your power back with the word NO… instead of saying a reluctant "yes” to something you don't want to do?

While spreading kindness throughout the world is certainly a good idea, being generous at one's own expense is NOT. 

Name, Claim, and Reframe® is about infusing every part of your life with more ease, flow and integrity. 

It’s about Self-Sovereignty, which begins with NOTICING and separating yourself from the motivations and behaviors of an inner-voice more rooted in the fear of being loved than with protecting your energetic boundaries.

When you decide to CLAIM yourself, you’re bound to disappoint others. 

(I know this is hard to hear… but that doesn’t make it any less true.)

It's an internal battle between your willingness to sit in the uncomfortable experience of saying a kind-by-clear  "HELL NO" v. surrendering your truth to someone else’s.

Part of living an authentic life is about NAMING the limiting beliefs that keep you from setting boundaries and acknowledging that your truth may not match someone else's expectations.

NO is a powerful word, because it gives you a definite sense of self. 

Saying a kind-but-clear "NO" is the ideal opportunity to rediscover your priorities and sense of who you are, because until you learn to say "NO," you will continue to be overwhelmed with too much to do and not enough time!

Have you noticed how NOT saying "NO" impacts quality time with yourself, your family, your health, and your stress levels?

Whether you learn to say "NO" more often or "YES" on your own terms, it's time to release yourself from the burden of pleasing others. It’s time to give yourself the time and freedom to BE and DO what matters MOST to you!

As my beloved mentor (and the writer of my book’s forward!)  Tanya Geisler offers - 

“Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD.” - Tanya Geisler 

This is an incredible reminder that you have a CHOICE… so why not say, "No, thank you!" to anything that takes you OUT of integrity with yourself?

This month, I offer you a challenge.

(Take the challenge or skip it! Remember: The choice is yours.)

Take a few minutes to answer these questions in your journal: 

  • What will you say a HELL NO to this month? *You can start by practicing a small “no thank you” and build up your confidence from there.*

  • What will you say a HOLY YES to this month to honor YOURSELF and the life you want to live?

The more you bring your answers to these questions to the forefront of your mind, the more consciously you can take aligned steps forward. 

Until next time, 

💫 Andrea

P.S. Whenever you're ready to take the next steps along YOUR path to a well-lived life, I've got a handful of resources to help -

#1 Get on the waiting list for future NCR offerings that will help you practice and implement the Name, Claim & Reframe Method - one step at a time!

#2. Buy your copy of my best-selling book: Name, Claim & Reframe. Learn how to align with your divine feminine ingenuity with my 3-step strategy that will help you gracefully navigate your path to a well-lived life.

#3. Order the *new* Name, Claim & Reframe Workbook! Learn how to model resourceful, strategic, and graceful leadership by elevating the energy frequency of the room with the NCR Workbook - including practical tools you can implement right now.

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