Reframe, Refresh and Renew

Creating a Strategic, Resourceful, and Graceful Mindset

I love the transition from spring to summer because it’s the perfect opportunity to REFRAME, REFRESH and RENEW your perspectives, take your power back, and create more space for yourself via MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT. 

Any time we transition from one season of life to the next, we have the choice to be strategic, resourceful, and graceful by intentionally creating a mindset that will serve the goals we have for the future we hope to create. 


Take the recent release of my NCR Workbook for example…

After all the build-up to the exciting release date, when it was all over…I was exhausted and needed to NAME, CLAIM and REFRAME® my mind, body and spirit.  

As the weather warms up and your summer plans begin to solidify, I invite you to try on these mindsets REFRAMES to help you set your intentions every single day: 

REFRAME YOUR MIND: Integrate intention-setting moments into your daily routine, like while you are in the shower, making breakfast, or watering the plants. Introspection allows you to hear your truths clearly: 

  • “How am I doing?”

  •  “What do I need?” 

  • “What will make my body feel better?”

  • “What am I celebrating?

REFRESH YOUR BODY: Our bodies tell us when we have pushed ourselves too far, be it physically or emotionally. Notice how your body responds when you have exhausted all your internal resources (e.g. fatigue, tight shoulders, upset stomach, sleeplessness etc.)

RENEW YOUR SPIRIT: Using the Balance Your Response Chart in my book and/or workbook, I encourage you to name the wounded and/or triggered ways you “dip below the line” when you feel energetically depleted and are running on fumes. Notice: Are quick to anger, impatient, teary, distracted, overwhelmed easily?

MAKE IT YOUR DEFAULT: What daily practices will help you establish a mindful presence so that feeling energetically depleted does not become your norm? 


  • Establishing a morning grounding practice

  • Taking an exercise class 

  • Singing in the car, 

  • Weekly date nights with you significant other 

  • Quiet time BEFORE you pick up the kids from school 

  • Monthly spa outings

Just making the choice to dance in one of these MINDSET REFRAMES will help you to REFRESH your perspective and create space for a more expanded YOU – MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT!

Until next time,


💫 Andrea 

P.S. Whenever you’re ready to take the next steps along YOUR path to a well-lived life, I’ve got a handful of resources to help -

#1 Order the new NCR workbook! Now you can model resourceful, strategic, and graceful leadership by elevating the energy frequency of the room! We're following up the success of my best-selling book, "Name, Claim & Reframe-Your Path to a Well-Lived Life" with a "The Name, Claim & Reframe Workbook" (Releasing April 30, 2024-Hatherleigh Press with Penguin Random House).

#2 Grab my best-selling book: Name, Claim & Reframe: Learn how to align with your divine feminine ingenuity by releasing the age-old belief that the strong need to become warring Warriors. My 3-step strategy will help you gracefully navigate your path to a well-lived life (and this book is a great place to start!) 

#3 Coming Fall 2024: Join one of my Name, Claim and Reframe® Salons:  Like a mock-tail party for the mind, each themed salon invites you to gather and discuss new ideas to expand your thinking about self-power. These LIVE workshop events will help you practice and implement the Name, Claim & Reframe Method - one step at a time!

#4 What is your leading leadership energy? Every person, regardless of gender identity, possesses both feminine and masculine energies and the capacity to integrate these two sides of their wholeness.

Do you know whether you lean toward masculine OR feminine energy in your leadership roles? Take this 5-minute quiz and find out!

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