3 Questions To More Ease & Greater Flow: CLAIM the “why” behind your actions

Some situations spiral out of control because we haven't taken the time to focus on our WHY. 

If you're like me, sometimes you just "DO" things without questioning the WHY behind the task. But if you take the time to BE more intentional, you can take your power back and shape experiences to align with your true desires and core beliefs.

BEING more intentional is about asking important questions, like - 

  • Why do I want this? 

  • Why am I doing this? 

  • Who am I trying to satisfy?

Name, Claim, and Reframe® is about infusing every part of your life with more ease and flow. This starts with clarifying WHY you’re doing something… or choosing NOT to do something.

Your WHY can always be found within your Core Values. This is the CLAIM step of my NCR Method. 

(In both Name, Claim & Reframe: Your path to a well-lived life and its companion workbook, I offer step-by-step support on how to NAME and CLAIM your why - including a list of Core Values and an example of a Boundaries Violation to help you navigate this process more thoroughly. Learn more right here.

When we choose (or are pressured) to do something that threatens our WHY, a deep-seated part of us resists. 

When you’re NOT aligned with the truth (or integrity) of your core belief system, you’ll feel dissonance, resentment, and maybe even anger!

This is normal, but only in-so-far as it acts as a SIGNAL to reconnect with your why.


Think of the situations in your life that might disconnect you from your WHY and TRY THIS:

  • Choose a CORE VALUE (or more than one!) that you can attach to the obligation or task. Then notice that as you do this, you bring yourself back into integrity: that’s the TRUTH behind why this thing you’re doing is important!

  • Need help? If you can't find a core belief attached to the obligation or task… ask yourself, “Is this thing keeping me from being intentional, from acting in integrity?”  (If so, you know it’s time to DO something differently.)

Still feel stuck? When saying a stern "NO" to an obligation or task is impossible, remember that you have the POWER to counter-offer.

  • "I can't do this (fill in the blank), but I could do this (fill in the blank).

When you respond in a way that aligns with your Core Values and beliefs, you take your power back strategically, resourcefully, and gracefully—and that’s what Name, Claim, and Reframe® is all about!


This month, I invite you to do things differently. 

When you feel disconnected, misaligned, or unintentional, ask yourself 3 questions - 

  • What is the overarching WHY behind this situation that trips me up?

  • How does it align with my CORE VALUES… or not?

  • What actions (or inactions) will honor the integrity of my TRUTH?

The more you practice intentionality, the more easily it becomes your habit!

Until next time, 

💫 Andrea

P.S. Whenever you're ready to take the next steps along YOUR path to a well-lived life, I've got a handful of resources to help -

#1 Get on the waiting list for future NCR offerings that will help you practice and implement the Name, Claim & Reframe Method - one step at a time!

#2. Buy your copy of my best-selling book: Name, Claim & Reframe. Learn how to align with your divine feminine ingenuity with my 3-step strategy that will help you gracefully navigate your path to a well-lived life.

#3. Order the *new* Name, Claim & Reframe Workbook! Learn how to model resourceful, strategic, and graceful leadership by elevating the energy frequency of the room with the NCR Workbook - including practical tools you can implement right now.

Take my quiz and find out: What is your leading leadership energy?

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